Wednesday, June 20, 2007

The 1/10 of a Mile High Club

When I came across this news story I was morbidly humored. I never celebrate the loss of life; it is tragic. But the ways that some people "pass on" is beyond bizarre at times. I can only imagine what this couple's last thought was.

Naked Couple Falls 50 Feet From Rooftop to Their Deaths (

If the initial report is true (that the couple was having sex on the roof), what perplexes me most is that two adults could come to the agreeable conclusion that such an activity was deemed sensible.

"Hey, snookums, want to go on the roof of this 5-story building, get naked, and see what happens?"

"Absolutely, sugar bear."

This part of the story, to me, is truly the saddest part...


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