Thursday, June 21, 2007

The Newton Code

Looks like the fascination with religious history is still escalating (and I'm not complaining). Isaac Newton seems to be the latest historical "great" to be paraded into the fray. Looks like old Sir Isaac was directing his mathematical genius toward calculating the end times.

Manuscript Shows Isaac Newton Calculated Date of Apocalypse (

What makes this story "UGH-worthy" is the way in which it is reported. The title makes it appear as if Newton will give the month, day, and year of the apocalypse (maybe right down to the minute). Even in the first section of the article we are told that Newton reveals the "exact date" of the apocalypse. Yet, as always, eventually the truth comes out. All Isaac Newton really "calculated" was a guess that the world wouldn't end before 2060. Nostradamus beware! Looks like Newton might weaken your long standing hold on the all-too-general predictions that a person with an ounce of common sense could surmise.


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