Friday, June 22, 2007

Now That's A Phallic Fixation!

I slightly cringe to even touch (metaphorically speaking) this next article. While I have no problem commenting on sexual matters, this story crosses into territory that is just downright weird, even twisted. See for yourself.

Stab Victim 'Continued Masturbating' (

Disturbing, isn't it? So many ways I could comment on this truly UGH-worthy story, but I want to hone in on one character in this report that is barely seen: the judge. Imagine for a moment you are this judge and this particular case is brought before your court. You desperately try not to let your jaw repeatedly drop to the floor as you hear the stranger-than-fiction tale being spun before you. Then all eyes land on you, waiting for your judgment. What do you do?

These types of stories are probably a key factor in why I have no desire to don a judge's robe, for my judgment might leave a stab victim wishing that a puncture wound is the only way a knife would be used against him.


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