Cars That Run On Apple Juice
This is a great little news story from the BBC. They report that in the near future scientists could capture energy from your average run-of-the-mill fruit basket and turn it into a biofuel that could be poured in your car's 'gas' tank. Sounds like a great idea, right?
Fruit Could Make 'Powerful Fuel' (
Unfortunately for all the tree huggers in the world, there's a tiny bit of important information that comes at the very end of this glowing article on alternative energy: cost. It is estimated that it would cost 10 times more to build the necessary production facilities for processing this new fuel than it does to construct current biofuel refineries . So, if I have this straight, we are already spending billions of dollars on current biofuel production plants, but want to praise the new studies that show apples and oranges supplying even cleaner a cost 10 times greater than the current expense. Is it just me, or is oil looking a bit more attractive against the backdrop of these kinds of stories?
Call me crazy, but I'm not up for spending $20 a gallon for citrus gas.
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