The Paris Hilton "Act"
This week has been rich with fodder for the UGH Report. Thank you, Paris Hilton. You are precisely the agent this blog needs to perpetuate great reading. Some favorite quotes of mine from this precious gem of a girl.
"I used to act dumb." A little too vague for me. Could you clarify, Paris, when the 'act' will officially be given up?
"I...felt as if I was in a cage." Strange how that feeling occurs when you are locked in a jail cell.
"I feel that the purpose of my life is to be where I am." Profundity at its finest.
"I haven't looked in the mirror since I got here." Maybe real changes are occurring.
Here is the full article.
Paris Hilton Says She Will No Longer 'Act Dumb' (
I'm not sure if the author of this story intended the title to come across as it does, but I must admit I laughed out loud when I first read it. From this title it seems as if Paris will give up her "act" of dumbness in favor of just being outright dumb on her own merit. No more games - just plain stupidity without the act. I would hope the author didn't intend this, but funny nonetheless.
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P.S. I actually do have a heart. In fact, I just said a prayer for Paris. I truly cannot imagine such a life. I hope she does find God. I hope she does grow up. And I hope she gets that moisturizer for her terribly dry skin...
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