Until now, you might have thought that Fido only performed obediently for food or affection. Not so. It appears some top scientists from Europe (is that an oxymoron?) have discovered that dogs might be able to imitate behavior selectively based on the circumstance - a form of reasoning the scientists say has only previously been seen in humans.
Honestly, I'm pretty impressed with this news piece. And I hope it's true. I mean, isn't it about time that the world's mangy mutts started pulling their own weight and pitching in? Maybe now, when my dog perceives that I'm in need of a snack he will fetch me some peanuts without me having to utter a single command. Oh, I hope this story is true!
Is it just me, or does it seem like we go to a lot of trouble (scientifically speaking) to lessen the gap between humans and animals? Why can't we just accept the fact that animals will always be animals? Let the poor dog chase a stick, hump a chair leg, and sniff other dogs to the embarrassment of any human watching. Fido is tired of pushing the scientists' levers. In fact, maybe dogs are actually smarter than humans, so they do a little trick to send the lab geeks into a frenzy, just so they can be let out to chase stick, hump chair, etc.
I do know of one dog in the world who will remain totally unaffected by this report...

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